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Genealogy of the family DALBIEZ

 Family database information

The SOSA number 1 is DALBIEZ "Dominique" Marie François whose ancestors were found across 63 generations.
The earliest person of the database is de BRETAGNE Ceneu Ap Coel whose birthdate is unknown.

The family is mainly based in Pyrénées Orientales, in the country France.
There are 57235 individuals and 45202 families representing 12212 surnames and 11078 places in this base.
The 45202 unions and 11733 marriages had 1.56 children per couple on average.

 Numberknown datesknown places
Births36 26234 141 94%25 004 68%
Marriages11 73311 528 98%9 752 83%
Deaths20 07819 521 97%13 554 67%
Events72 81969 546 95%52 914 72%
3 documents and 2074 sources can be consulted on this site.

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