List of events ordered by date

France - 59 Nord - Noyelles-sur-Selle 59440 : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?PAYEN Philippe
17 century
 MarriageOctober 1695BRASSELET Michel with PÉSIÈRE Marie Françoise



France - 59 Nord - Orchies 59449 : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage18 February 1749BRIENNE Martin Joseph with CRAPEZ Arnould Joseph
 Death9 December 1777CRAPEZ Arnould Joseph
 Burial10 December 1777CRAPEZ Arnould Joseph
 Death30 December 1791BRIENNE Martin Joseph



France - 59 Nord - Pecquencourt 59456 : 19 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
16 century
 Birthabout 1580DELECOURTE Anthoine (9492)
17 century
 Marriage17 May 1620DELCOURT Nicolas Dit Tratu (4746) with DANEL Marie
 Marriage31 July 1622DELCOURT Nicolas Dit Tratu (4746) with DUFOUR Jeanne (4747)
 Birth11 December 1622DELECOURT Marguerite (2373)
 Christening11 December 1622DELECOURT Marguerite (2373)
 Birth27 October 1624DELECOURT Jean
 Birth21 January 1627DELECOURT Sébastien
 Death3 March 1628DELCOURT Nicolas Dit Tratu (4746)
 Death24 April 1629DELECOURTE Anthoine (9492)
 Death7 May 1636PELU Anne (9493)
 Marriage10 May 1644MANARD Jean Ou Pierre (2372) with DELECOURT Marguerite (2373)
 Birth29 March 1645MONART Pierre (1186)
 Birth8 October 1647MANARD Jean Baptiste
 Birth10 October 1649MANARD Marie Jeanne
 Death2 November 1651DUFOUR Jeanne (4747)
 Birth16 January 1652MANARD Gilles
 Birth8 September 1654MONARD Adrien Antoine
 Birth24 September 1661MANARD Jean Joseph
 Christening24 September 1661MANARD Jean Joseph



France - 59 Nord - Poix-du-Nord 59464 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Birthabout 1650CRAPEE Antoinette



France - 59 Nord - Prémesques 59470 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage3 August 1751DELEPAUL Georges Nicolas with LALAU Marie Anne Joseph



France - 59 Nord - Prouvy 59475 : 31 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1720MARISALLE Marie Philippe
 Marriage11 February 1744PARENT Jean Charles with MARISALLE Marie Philippe
 Birth25 August 1744PARENT Pierre François
 Death31 December 1744PARENT Pierre François
 Birth24 June 1746PARENT Jean François
 Birth11 July 1748PARENT Anne Pétronille
 Birth5 May 1750PARENT Philippe François
 Birth8 October 1751DEVEMY Marie Philippe
 Birth22 April 1752PARENT Pierre Joseph
 Birth20 December 1754PARENT Marie Dominique Joseph
 Birth12 March 1757PARENT Charles Joseph
 Birth6 July 1758VILCOT Jean Baptiste
 Birth23 November 1759RIGAUX Charles Joseph
 Birth6 December 1760PARENT Marie Philippe
 Birth6 January 1764PARENT Benoït Joseph
 Death15 June 1766MARISALLE Marie Philippe
 Death26 June 1768PARENT Philippe François
 Marriage2 May 1775PARENT Pierre Joseph with DEVEMY Marie Philippe
 Death8 November 1780PARENT Jean Charles
 Marriage8 January 1781ALLART Antoinie Joseph with PARENT Anne Pétronille
 Marriage3 May 1781PARENT Charles Joseph with PATIN Rosalie Joseph
 Marriage9 April 1782LUCAS Guillaume Joseph with PARENT Marie Dominique Joseph
 Death8 September 1786PARENT Benoït Joseph
 Marriage10 February 1789RIGAUX Charles Joseph with PARENT Marie Philippe
 Death16 December 1793DEVEMY Marie Philippe
 Death22 December 1793PARENT Pierre Joseph
 Death10 January 1796PARENT Jean François
19 century
 Death28 April 1809PARENT Marie Philippe
 Death23 May 1813PARENT Charles Joseph
 Death20 January 1828PARENT Marie Dominique Joseph
 Death18 March 1829PATIN Rosalie Joseph



France - 59 Nord - Quarouble 59479 : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth19 August 1961COGNET Bruno
 Death19 May 1962COGNET Henri René



France - 59 Nord - Quesnoy (Le) 59481 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth10 November 1956DORTU Marie Michèle



France - 59 Nord - Raimbeaucourt 59489 : 3 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?de BERSÉE de le CROIX Michel
16 century
 Birthabout 1560de LATTRE Jehanne II
17 century
 Death29 March 1632du JARDIN Marguerite



France - 59 Nord - Roeulx 59504 : 159 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Birthabout 1667BLIN Simon (592)
 Birth12 September 1681MONARD Martine
 Christening15 September 1681MONARD Martine
 Marriage1681MONART Pierre (1186) with COLMAN Pétronille Ou Pieronne Ou Pierrette (1187)
 Birth16 July 1682MANARD Gilles
 Birth1 January 1684MANARD Hubert
 Birth19 January 1685MONARD Antoine
 Christening19 January 1685MONARD Antoine
 Death3 September 1689SÉNÉCHAL Catherine
 Birth12 November 1689DELCAMBRE Marie Michelle
 Christening13 November 1689DELCAMBRE Marie Michelle
 Christening15 January 1691DELCAMBRE Marie Anne
 Birth15 January 1691DELCAMBRE Marie Anne
 Birth9 January 1693DELCAMBRE Michel Robert
 Christening9 January 1693DELCAMBRE Michel Robert
 Birth3 September 1694BLIN Catherine
 Christening3 October 1694BLIN Catherine
 Birth1 April 1696DELCAMBRE Pierre Robert
 Christening1 April 1696DELCAMBRE Pierre Robert
 Christening17 February 1697BLIN "François" Joseph Ou Jean François (296)
 Birth17 February 1697BLIN "François" Joseph Ou Jean François (296)
 Birth9 October 1698REGNIER Pierre
 Christening10 October 1698REGNIER Pierre
 Christening1 December 1699DELCAMBRE Vas
 Birth1 December 1699DELCAMBRE Vas
18 century
 Birth28 January 1700BLIN "Pierre" Antoine
 Christening28 January 1700BLIN "Pierre" Antoine
 Death4 April 1700COLMAN Pétronille Ou Pieronne Ou Pierrette (1187)
 Birth16 July 1703BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Christening16 July 1703BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Birth26 November 1705BLIN "Jean" Baptiste
 Birth26 November 1705BLIN Jacques
 Christening27 November 1705BLIN "Jean" Baptiste
 Christening27 November 1705BLIN Jacques
 Birth2 December 1707BLIN "Marie" Joseph
 Christening2 December 1707BLIN "Marie" Joseph
 Christening9 January 1709FLEURY Jean Philippe
 Birth9 January 1709FLEURY Jean Philippe
 Death18 March 1710MONARD Pasque
 Death28 October 1710MONART Pierre (1186)
 Birthabout 1713FLEURY Jean Baptiste
 Birth29 January 1716GRIVILLERS Marie Catherine
 Christening29 January 1716GRIVILLERS Marie Catherine
 Death23 December 1716MONARD Martine
 Christening6 January 1717FLEURY Marie Catherine
 Birth6 January 1717FLEURY Marie Catherine
 Christening21 December 1719FLEURY Thomas
 Birth21 December 1719FLEURY Thomas
 Birth2 April 1722LEGRAND Pierre
 Christening2 April 1722LEGRAND Pierre
 Christening20 April 1723FLEURY Marie Françoise
 Birth20 April 1723FLEURY Marie Françoise
 Birth8 April 1724LEGRAND Dorothée
 Christening8 April 1724LEGRAND Dorothée
 Birthabout 1727LEGRAND Angélique
 Marriageabout 1728REGNIER Pierre with BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Birthabout 1728FLEURY Marie "Appoline"
 Birth1728REGNIER Marie Pacque
 Christening8 October 1729REGNIER Marie Jeanne
 Birth8 October 1729REGNIER Marie Jeanne
 Birth10 February 1730DERVAUX Anne
 Christening10 February 1730DERVAUX Anne
 Birth19 September 1730LEGRAND Jean
 Birth10 December 1730LEGRAND Jan
 Death14 December 1730BLIN "Marie" Joseph
 Death6 May 1731MONARD "Marie" Anne Ou Marianne (593)
 Christening26 July 1731REGNIER Marie Anne Joseph
 Birth26 July 1731REGNIER Marie Anne Joseph
 Birth6 February 1732BLIN Marie
 Christening6 February 1732BLIN Marie
 Christening10 December 1732LEGRAND Jan
 Christening13 August 1733REGNIER Laurent
 Birth13 August 1733REGNIER Laurent
 Christening28 December 1733BLIN Albertine
 Birth28 December 1733BLIN Albertine
 Marriage18 February 1735BLIN "Jean" Baptiste with GRIVILLERS Marie Catherine
 Birth8 August 1735REGNIER Jacques
 Christening8 August 1735REGNIER Jacques
 Birth17 August 1735BLIN Pierre
 Birth7 October 1735BLIN "Jean" Baptiste
 Christening7 October 1735BLIN "Jean" Baptiste
 Death25 March 1736LEGRAND Gilles
 Birth25 May 1737BLIN "Pierre" Simon
 Christening25 May 1737BLIN "Pierre" Simon
 Birth13 July 1737BLIN Marie
 Christening16 July 1737BLIN Marie
 Christening12 May 1738REGNIER Marie Pasque
 Birth12 May 1738REGNIER Pierre Joseph
 Christening12 May 1738REGNIER Pierre Joseph
 Birth12 May 1738REGNIER Marie Pasque
 Death29 June 1738BLIN Marie
 Death2 October 1738BLIN Pierre
 Birth27 November 1738BLIN "Antoine" Joseph
 Christening27 November 1738BLIN "Antoine" Joseph
 Birth7 April 1739BLIN Antoine
 Christening7 April 1739BLIN Antoine
 Death3 July 1739BLIN "Antoine" Joseph
 Death6 July 1739BLIN Simon (592)
 Death21 January 1740BLIN Antoine
 Birth3 February 1740LEMETTE Marguerite
 Christening3 February 1740LEMETTE Marguerite
 Birth5 April 1740QUIQUEMPOIX Jacques François
 Christening5 April 1740QUIQUEMPOIX Jacques François
 Birth29 April 1740BLIN "Charles" Louis
 Christening29 April 1740BLIN "Charles" Louis
 Death30 April 1740BLIN "Charles" Louis
 Christening17 September 1740REGNIER Jean Baptiste
 Birth17 September 1740REGNIER Jean Baptiste
 Death27 January 1741BLIN Catherine
 Christening12 February 1741BLIN Dorothée
 Birth12 February 1741BLIN Dorothée
 Birth14 May 1743BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Christening14 May 1743BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Birth2 June 1743REGNIER Marie
 Christening2 June 1743REGNIER Marie
 Christening28 October 1743BLIN Marie
 Birth28 October 1743BLIN Marie
 Death16 May 1744FLEURY Roland
 Birth29 April 1745LÉCU Pierre Antoine
 Christening29 April 1745LÉCU Pierre Antoine
 Birth21 July 1745BLIN "Marie" Michèle
 Christening21 July 1745BLIN "Marie" Michèle
 Christening22 May 1746BLIN Marie
 Birth22 May 1746BLIN Marie
 Christening7 October 1746REGNIER Hubert
 Birth7 October 1746REGNIER Hubert
 Birth20 November 1747BLIN "Pierre" Simon
 Christening20 November 1747BLIN "Pierre" Simon
 Birth1 January 1749BLIN Sylvestre
 Christening1 January 1749BLIN Sylvestre
 Death1 August 1749BLIN Albertine
 Christening1 January 1750TACHON Marie
 Birth1 January 1750TACHON Marie
 Death18 February 1750BLIN Dorothée
 Birth5 March 1750BLIN "Marie" Philippe
 Christening5 March 1750BLIN "Marie" Philippe
 Death8 March 1750BLIN "Marie" Philippe
 Marriage21 November 1752COLLIGNON Jean with LEGRAND Angélique
 Death7 May 1756BLIN Marie
 Death27 May 1756DELATTRE Marie Reine
 Death22 October 1758FLEURY Marie Catherine
 Marriage11 May 1762BLIN "Jean" Baptiste with DERVAUX Anne
 Death7 March 1763GRIVILLERS Marie Catherine
 Death14 July 1763LEGRAND Pierre
 Death3 October 1763REGNIER Marie Pacque
 Death18 March 1767BLIN "Marie" Delphine
 Death29 September 1768BLIN Marie
 Marriage13 February 1771REGNIER Jean Baptiste with LEMETTE Marguerite
 Marriage30 April 1771LÉCU Pierre Antoine with BLIN "Marie" Michèle
 Marriage26 October 1772REGNIER Hubert with TACHON Marie
 Marriage27 October 1773QUIQUEMPOIX Jacques François with BLIN "Anne" Catherine
 Death8 November 1775LEMETTE Marguerite
 Death17 January 1776BLIN "Pierre" Antoine
 Marriage3 June 1777DEFOSSE Nicolas with REGNIER Marie Anne Joseph
 Death3 March 1780REGNIER Pierre
19 century
 Death9 March 1811REGNIER Laurent
 Death1 April 1812DERVAUX Anne
 Death18 October 1812BLIN "Marie" Michèle
 Death25 February 1815LÉCU Pierre Antoine

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