List of events ordered by date

France - 59 Nord - Thumeries 59592 : 6 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth15 July 1715DUPONCHELLE Pierre Joseph
 Birth1 November 1717DUPONCHELLE Toussaint
 Birth21 August 1723DUPONCHELLE Marie Rose
 Birth29 October 1726DUPONCHELLE Philippe Antoine
 Death9 November 1752DUPONCHELLE Pierre Antoine
 Death24 March 1763BARBIEUX Marie Jeanne



France - 59 Nord - Tourcoing 59599 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage7 September 1909CAMBIER Fernand Joseph with LEHOUCQ Julie Marie Rose



France - 59 Nord - Tourmignies 59600 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage24 February 1716DORCHIES Pierre François with DEMARQUETTE Marie Antoinette



France - 59 Nord - Trith-Saint-Léger 59603 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Death1 May 1764CAUDRON Marie Barbe



France - 59 Nord - Valenciennes 59606 : 14 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
13 century
 DeathApril 1284de HOLLANDE Adélaïde (25905577, 246794581)
18 century
 Birth1733DAUCHI "Marie" Joseph
 Birth1747de LASALLE de HAN Marie Jeanne Sophie (181)
 Birth1748de LASALLE de HAN Madeleine Michelle Julie
 Birth13 April 1788DRECQ Marie Anne Joseph
 Death5 February 1789DELESPAUL Ambroise Joseph
 Burial6 February 1789DELESPAUL Ambroise Joseph
19 century
 Death21 June 1803PONCHAUX Marie Antoinette
 Marriage4 February 1811HAUTECLOCQ Ignace Joseph with DRECQ Marie Anne Joseph
 Death17 February 1822DRECQ Marie Anne Joseph
 Birth9 March 1829GILLERY Catherine
20 century
 Death20 February 1911DEVEAUX
 Birth20 January 1945ALDEBERT Francis
 Death31 March 1995LANNE Raymonde Edith



France - 59 Nord - Vendegies-au-Bois 59607 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birthabout 1709PLOUCHART Marie Antoinette



France - 59 Nord - Vendeville 59609 : 12 events

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Lesquin 59343 France

Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Birthabout 1670BATAILLE Marie Françoise
 Death10 May 1680BATAILLE Romain
18 century
 Christening22 September 1703DELESPAUL Catherine Françoise
 BirthSeptember 1703DELESPAUL Catherine Françoise
 Christening10 February 1707DELESPAUL Pierre Antoine
 BirthFebruary 1707DELESPAUL Pierre Antoine
 BirthFebruary 1708DELESPAUL Anne Marie
 Death28 August 1709BATAILLE Marie Françoise
 Death22 December 1709DELESPAUL Anne Marie
 BirthJanuary 1711DELESPAUL Joseph Paul
 Death21 January 1715BATAILLE Françoise
 Death13 November 1766DELESPAUL Arthus



France - 59 Nord - Verlinghem 59611 : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Death9 November 1786DENGREMONT Félix Joseph
19 century
 Death6 December 1810DELESPAUL Marie Anne Joseph



France - 59 Nord - Vertain 59612 : 150 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Birthabout 1661PAVOT Alexandre
 Birth7 December 1681HAUTECLOCQ Marie Anne
 Christening7 December 1681HAUTECLOCQ Marie Anne
 Birth11 February 1685HAUTECLOCQ Michelle
 Christening11 February 1685HAUTECLOCQ Michelle
 Birth23 June 1687HAUTECLOCQ Jean
 Christening23 June 1687HAUTECLOCQ Jean
 Birth23 September 1689HAUTECLOCQ François
 Christening23 September 1689HAUTECLOCQ François
 Death30 November 1691HAUTECLOCQ François
 Burial30 November 1691HAUTECLOCQ François
 Birth25 November 1695PAVOT Alexandre
 Birth14 June 1696LEDUC Marie Françoise
 Birth24 July 1698PAVOT Simon François
18 century
 Marriage24 June 1702HAUTECLOCQ Joseph with BULTE Jeanne
 Birth7 August 1703HAUTECLOCQUE Jacques Joseph
 Christening7 August 1703HAUTECLOCQUE Jacques Joseph
 Birth14 December 1703LEGRAND Michelle
 Birth15 October 1704HAUTECLOCQUE Michel
 Birth20 December 1707HAUTECLOCQUE Joseph
 Birth20 December 1707HAUTECLOCQUE "Pierre" Joseph
 Christening20 December 1707HAUTECLOCQUE "Pierre" Joseph
 Birth23 December 1708PAVOT Noël
 Birth5 April 1709HAUTECLOCQUE Jean Baptiqte
 Birth2 March 1711HAUTECLOCQUE Joseph
 Birthbefore 1714BRICHEVILLE Barbe
 Death23 April 1715GOSSUIN Michelle
 Birth13 August 1715HAUTECLOCQ "Bernard" Joseph
 Christening13 August 1715HAUTECLOCQ "Bernard" Joseph
 Birthbefore 1716GOSSUIN Michelle
 Birth13 November 1717DRECQ Marc Antoine
 Marriage24 June 1722PAVOT Alexandre with LEDUC Marie Françoise
 Birth5 June 1723DENOYELLE François Joseph
 Birth8 October 1723PAVOT Jeanne Joseph
 Marriage16 January 1725PAVOT Simon François with LEGRAND Michelle
 Birth12 January 1727PAVOT Noël Joseph
 Death24 April 1727PAVOT Alexandre
 Death5 October 1729LEGRAND Michelle
 Death20 November 1730LEDUC Marie Françoise
 Marriage20 September 1732PAVOT Simon François with CORDIER Marie Catherine
 Birth21 June 1733PAVOT Marie Claire
 Marriage26 November 1733PAVOT Noël with BRISVILLE Marie Jeanne
 Marriage6 November 1736HAUTECLOCQ "Bernard" Joseph with GUERSILLON Anne Marguerite
 Birth18 July 1737HAUTECLOCQ Bernard
 Birthabout 1740HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Death8 March 1747HAUTECLOCQ Joseph
 Burial8 March 1747HAUTECLOCQ Joseph
 Marriage15 April 1749DRECQ Marc Antoine with PAVOT Jeanne Joseph
 Death20 December 1751PAVOT Jeanne Joseph
 Birth23 June 1752MESNIL Véronique
 Birth8 February 1753HOURIEZ Jacques Joseph
 Birth5 July 1753PAVOT Marie Hélène
 Birth23 July 1753HAUTECLOCQ Lambert
 Death1 February 1755CORDIER Marie Catherine
 Death16 March 1755SOMAIN Jeanne
 Birth18 September 1756HAUTECLOCQ Pierre Joseph
 Birth21 November 1756DENOYELLE Marie Joseph
 Death7 January 1758BULTE Jeanne
 Burial8 January 1758BULTE Jeanne
 Birth3 August 1760HOURIEZ Marie Joseph Constance
 Birth11 August 1760HAUTECLOCQ Marie Catherine Joiseph
 Christening11 August 1760HAUTECLOCQ Marie Catherine Joiseph
 Birth9 September 1762WAGUET Jean Baptiste
 Birth27 September 1762HOURIEZ Marie Rose
 Marriage12 April 1763BUISSÉ François Joseph with PAVOT Marie Claire
 Birth2 January 1764DENOYELLE Chrisostome Joseph
 Birth30 July 1764BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Christening30 July 1764BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Death22 February 1765PAVOT Simon François
 Birth21 September 1766BUISSÉ Mathieu Joseph
 Birth15 September 1770BUISSÉ Augustine Joseph
 Death29 May 1771PAVOT Noël
 Death5 April 1779BRISVILLE Marie Jeanne
 Marriage13 April 1779HAUTECLOCQ Pierre Joseph with DENOYELLE Marie Joseph
 Marriage25 May 1779HAUTECLOCQ Lambert with MESNIL Véronique
 Marriage25 May 1779HOURIEZ Jacques Joseph with PAVOT Marie Hélène
 Birth9 January 1780HAUTECLOCQ Ignace Joseph
 Death21 February 1780DENOYELLE Marie Joseph
 Birth2 May 1781HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Marriage2 August 1785DENOYELLE François Joseph with HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Marriage17 April 1787BUISSÉ François Joseph with HOURIEZ Marie Rose
 Birth27 December 1787BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Birth12 March 1789BUISSÉ Marie Joseph Constance
 Death11 July 1789HAUTECLOCQ "Bernard" Joseph
 Burial12 July 1789HAUTECLOCQ "Bernard" Joseph
 Death3 January 1790PAVOT Noël Joseph
 Marriage12 October 1790HAUTECLOCQ Pierre Joseph with DUMONT Marie Angélique
 Marriage19 January 1791BUISSÉ Mathieu Joseph with HOURIEZ Marie Joseph Constance
 Birth10 February 1791MALAQUIN Augustin Joseph
 Birth4 July 1791BUISSÉ Charles Joseph
 Marriage27 September 1791DENOYELLE Chrisostome Joseph with BUISSÉ Augustine Joseph
 Birth25 December 1791HAUTECLOCQ Pierre Joseph Toussaint
 Birth15 January 1793BUISSÉ Natalie Joseph
 Death25 May 1793BUISSÉ Marie Joseph Constance
 Death13 October 1793GUERSILLON Anne Marguerite
 Death25 May 1794DRECQ Marc Antoine
 Birth3 March 1795BUISSÉ Armand
 Birth4 November 1795BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Birth2 February 1796HAUTECLOCQ Marie Sophie Joseph
 BirthFebruary 1796HAUTECLOCQ Véronique
 Death2 March 1796HAUTECLOCQ Véronique
 Birth25 April 1796BECAR Léopold Ou Léopole
 Death1 May 1796DENOYELLE François Joseph
 Birth7 November 1796BUISSÉ Louis Joseph
 Birth2 May 1798HOURIEZ Philippine Joseph
19 century
 Birth12 February 1800HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Death13 April 1800WAGUET Jean Baptiste
 Birth3 August 1801BUISSÉ Marie Joseph Constance
 Death24 March 1802HOURIEZ Marie Rose
 Birth12 ? 1803BUISSÉ Marie Opportune Joseph
 Death20 December 1805DUMONT Marie Angélique
 Death8 August 1808HOURIEZ Marie Joseph Constance
 Birth21 March 1810BUISSÉ Adélaïde
 Birth30 May 1811BUISSÉ Agathange Joseph
 Death6 June 1816HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Death6 March 1817HAUTECLOCQ Lambert
 Death11 March 1818BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Death4 December 1821MESNIL Véronique
 Marriage7 May 1823BECAR Léopold Ou Léopole with HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Death22 April 1824HAUTECLOCQ Pierre Joseph
 Death3 April 1826BULTE Jean Baptiste
 Birth23 July 1826BUISSÉ Marie Joseph
 Marriage21 August 1827BUISSÉ François Joseph with HOURIEZ Philippine Joseph
 Birth2 June 1828BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Death26 April 1829HAUTECLOCQ Marie Catherine Joiseph
 Birth20 July 1830BUISSÉ Augustin
 Death20 August 1830BUISSÉ Augustin
 Marriage29 December 1831FLAMENT François Joseph with BUISSÉ Marie Opportune Joseph
 Birth21 January 1832BUISSÉ Victoire
 Death8 April 1832HOURIEZ Jacques Joseph
 Birth28 October 1833BUISSÉ Nathalie
 Deathafter 1833HAUTECLOCQ Victoire Joseph
 Birth10 August 1835BUISSÉ Louis Joseph
 Death2 June 1836BUISSÉ Natalie Joseph
 Death20 February 1837BUISSÉ Louis Joseph
 Birth24 May 1837FLAMENT Joséphine
 Birth10 July 1837BUISSÉ Pierre Joseph
 Death1 March 1839BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Birth7 February 1840BUISSÉ Charles
 Death25 April 1846HAUTECLOCQ Marie Joseph
 Death4 July 1854BUISSÉ Mathieu Joseph
 Death28 January 1856BUISSÉ Augustine Joseph
 Death25 April 1859BUISSÉ Nathalie
 Death7 March 1866HOURIEZ Philippine Joseph
 Residenceabout 1870LECLERCQ Jacques Philippe
 Death11 April 1877BECAR Léopold Ou Léopole
 Death9 April 1883BUISSÉ François Joseph
 Deathafter 1883BUISSÉ Pierre Joseph
 Death10 March 1888BUISSÉ Marie Opportune Joseph
20 century
 Death21 October 1909BUISSÉ Charles

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